Que Sera Sera…
It's going to be 2007. The first thought that comes to mind, "What should I do on New Year's Eve?" The second thought - "I hope it’s a good year for me." And then there's no third in spite of conventions that always make me feel that there should be a third thought after a second. Well… so I did what I have never done before. I visited special people. People, who can predict, guide and also heal my future. And, of course, I had to tell you guys of my experiences. I promise not to draw conclusions. Just tell you like it is… So here we go!
Ahem, that’s the technical name for tea leaf reading. High on Da Vinci Code and the brouhaha about symbolism, I made tea leaf reading session my first pit stop. No, actually… I was intrigued by Professor Sybill Trelawney's divination classes (that's from Harry Potter you muggles). So I made an appointment with Sushhila Golani. A clinical psychiatrist and food technology expert by training, life changed for Sushhila when she found her real path after reading Sadhu Vaswani's teaching. "On earth, you are known by how many people serve you but in his kingdom you are judged by how many people you have served." This is her way of serving as many souls as she can… in her own small way.
I had no clue what I was in for when I reached Sushhila's place. I half-expected a swaying clairvoyant. What I found instead was a sweet and graceful lady, sitting amidst the hustle bustle of your everyday living room. The only sign of her leanings was an old lady sitting with her, fretting about her daughter's marriage. I waited patiently as Sushhila reassured the lady that her worries were just a matter of time. I was up next… and I was more eager to know how she went about it than getting the reading done. The skeptic in me prevailed but not for long.
Sushhila prepared tea in a pot, laid out two round-bottomed white mugs, and poured some freshly brewed black tea in my cup - tea leaves and all. Sushhila asked me to concentrate on my questions while I sipped the tea. Finishing my tea and handed over the mug to her. As she drained the cup of the remaining liquid, patterns emerged at the bottom of the cup. As Sushhila guided me through the patterns, I had goose pimples. I could actually see a movie being played out with tea dregs as actors. Kinda like my favorite pastime - cloud watching. I was still apprehensive till she saw a particular pattern and said - You love animals, don't you! That one sentence made me a convert… (I had seventeen strays at one point of time.) As I left Sushhila's place that evening, I was already wondering whether I can write this story without being biased any more.
Numbers are the name of the game. In the movie Pi, the protagonist meets a numerologist searching for hidden numerical patterns in the Torah. Each Hebrew letter corresponds to a number. The true name of God is said to correspond to a 216-digit number. Even the greatest mathematicians in the world have found patterns in numbers that are inexplicable. And I thought, I was the only one who found them strange.
Incidentally, my numerological encounter of esoteric kind required me to dial… what else a number. That of Sanjay Jumaani. Numerology is a science based on the fact that each and every letter of the alphabet has got vibrations and numbers, according to Sanjay, the man responsible for driving the sub-editors across the country crazy. But changing names is just dodging fate using the powers of numbers according to
After discussing the field for some time, Sanjay asked me for my birth date. I told him expecting him to say I would be sipping martinis on my private island at 35. Sanjay snapped me out of the reverie by a curt - "Lack of patience" observation. That's it? I already knew that. I mean, who has time, right? Well, so much for being number 1, huh!
Believe it or crunch, Sanjay never believed in numerology though his father Bansilal Jumaani was an evangelist of this field. That was until his own life changed when his father asked him to change his spelling. As they say, a convert is the strongest believer. However, Sanjay cautions, "Success is a blend of good fortune and hard work." So don’t just add a K to your name and expect lady luck to smile on you…
Some happy people
Emraan Hashmi
Yash Chopra
Ektaa Kapoor
Rahul Dravid - changed his jersey no from 5 to 19
Reema Lamba a.k.a Mallika Sherawat
Adds to number 9
Bodes well for archery, surgery, sports, manufacturers
3, 6, 9 numbers will do well…
Scorpians and Arians have a taste of the good life
Well after the unfamiliarity of numbers I veered to something all of us have indulged at one time or the other - some of us out of sheer curiosity, others to pass the time and yet others to just hold hands.
So, one Tuesday afternoon I headed for Out Of The Blue in Bandra where Nilofer Dastoor reads palms. Being a person who never visited an astrologist, this was a bit scary. I had never shown my hands to even the amateur Cheiro fans during college days! So offering my palms up for scrutiny was kinda amusing. Nevertheless, some insights (praise for my intuitive power and advice to go in for higher education) later, I found Nilofer's insights on palmistry and its connection with astrology more intriguing. The position of the planets can be mapped out on your hands exactly like an astrological reading. Here's a tip - Moon signs are more accurate because the movement of the moon is more rapid than any other planet and hence changes associated with the moon much more accurate. You can test this out guys!
Crystal Reading
On the verge of tears in search of a crystal gazer, the powers that be directed me to Sherina Tanwani, crystal therapist at the beautiful Prisim Healing Institute. She uses crystals for its healing powers but they can also guide you for the future. She also told me that crystal ball reading was a highly advanced skill. Sherina has herself healed her condition of multiple sclerosis purely through crystals. And while learning the therapy for herself she developed her psychic abilities.
Through the use of different types of crystals and telling cards - primarily four - health, prosperity, love and personal growth, Sherina attempts to answer questions that are playing on my mind. Well, here is something I learned the hard way. If you ever visit a clairvoyant, you’re your questions ready. I never had which means either I have a very happy life or my curious quotient is 0. I chose Prosperity and the Personal Growth telling card and then was very afraid. What Sherina did next did not help either. Sherina meditated on the crystals. Then she passed them over a candle flame. Then she passed the crystals to me so that my energy passes to the crystals. While holding them, I meditate on my questions. Then I was told to toss the crystals on the telling card laid out in front of us. What did my reading say… well, what my boyfriend has already told me a million times - that I was a squanderer and that I would be bequeathed money (Finally! Someone got the point of this whole exercise!!!). I think it was crystals saying have a Happy New Year and chill out.
Move Over Rider Waite
Sherina also had something exciting in store for me. We've all heard of Tarot cards. Been there, done that, right? Well, how about something new like say Fairy Cards? No, I have not had a tipple too many… These are just like Tarot Cards, except they are not! I was asked to pull out a couple of cards for a general reading of Past, Present and Future. I pulled out "Trust Your Intuition", "Inner Child" and "Breaking Free" respectively. I like that, I said, even before I knew what that last card meant. I love the word freedom! But it simply meant I will overcome all my fears in the future. As for the first card, well, remember, the palmist also read that! Two strikes for 'intuition'… I so wish it was the 'bequeathed money' bit that came up as consistently, though!
Separate centered box with his image - not part of the story but an interesting interview/excerpt
Meeting the Big Daddy of Divination
Born on These arts are not different but one and the same, tapping into different systems of the sub conscious symbols that the universe provides. Bejan Daruwalla explained to me, "The biggest lesson of astrology is that people are different in every possible way and that has taught me tolerance." Talking about media exposure and the popularity that the divination arts enjoy on prime television, he opines, "Media is hype. It is partly necessary in our modern times, but the readers are not fools. They want a little excitement and masala in their dull lives and so they play ball with the media. They don’t trust it." According to Bejan, modern astrology is all about relationships and adjusting to technology. A poet too… his favorite lines were his conclusion to my visit with the man that state heads, stars, sportsmen and politicians flock to…
If equal love, there cannot be,
Let the more loving one, be me.
W.H. Auden