Money, Money, Money...(editorial)

Did you know that Dire Straits' "Money for nothing…" depicted a blue-collared worker's impression of rock star excess and the easy life it brings compared with real work. Mark Knopfler wrote it in a New York department store after overhearing delivery men complain about their jobs while watching MTV. Some of the lyrics were things those workers actually said. Well, I think you guys out there could use the song as an anthem. A CSA's job is anything but easy and I think that every hard earned rupee is well deserved. And if you decide to maximize that rupee through savings and investments, well, that just goes to show that we are much smarter about our money than our parents were.

Money is equated with power. Our value in society is determined by the greenbacks we earn. No surprise that we put such premium on possessing it. No one is an exception to this rule. Does it make us happy? I don’t know. Are we obsessed with money? Certainly.

This month’s cover story "Money for nothing…" talks about the hopes, dreams and fears of each one of us in this young, nascent industry and at the heart of this issue is money - the ultimate liberator, corruptor and equalizer. Money is the reason that the industry enjoys its overtime in the limelight. The reason that other industries are not discussed or addressed as much is that the stakes are not just as high. Money surely makes the world go round.

So let’s explore what money means to us and what we do with our money.

Here's to hard working 'us'. Here's to hard earned honest money. May we enjoy the thrill even more!


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