Let's Celebrate Independence (an editorial view)

What is most heartening of all is what India itself has come to mean to the world at large over the past decade. I sit back and wonder at the irony of it all. I have just finished watching Bombay Calling, a documentary about the BPO Industry that premieres on the National Geographic Channel on 15th August. It is India’s Independence Day and what does NGC choose to represent India’s coming of age? A documentary on the BPO Industry. Believe it or hang up, the BPO Industry has come to represent India on the international stage (move over Bollywood).
While the world unwillingly accepts Indian prowess and while we plan that long weekend, it is time for us – today’s youth, to reflect on the phenomenon. It is time we realize the gargantuan proportion of opportunity that we are presented with. Respect it. Revel in it. We are at the crossroads of history. And there has never been nor will there be, a better time than the Present to be an Indian.
From The Great Indian Rope Trick to karma-cola New-Age chic, from a land of snake charmers to Silicon Valley innovators, 59 years of yes, no and maybe, just look around and see… we have come a long way, baby! On that long weekend drive, remember the clock’s ticking and its time for some serious ass-kickin. And, when you see that tricolor unfurled, just remember we gotta rock the world!