Let's cut it short! (an editorial)

Endless traffic, never ending trails of cars, buses, scooters, truckers, etc. (you get the drift), scores and scores of billboards line the sky… watch this, do that, see this, check that, on the telly, the news channels go on and on and on like the traffic, like the commercials... At work it’s the endless calls, pointless meetings that stretch for an eternity, blah, blah, blah… People just refuse to SHUT UP!
Well, precisely the reason that Switch decided to cut the crap. Keep it sweet and short. So you have pages of no nonsense…to the point crisp info. Just the way you like your life… No B.S. Check it out, and shoot back your reactions. We are waiting.
So that’s that. As for you workaholics out there, look around. It's the 'time to disco' (just had to get corny). So, put on your dancing shoes, there's a reason other than work to burn yourself out …after Ganesh Chaturthi, its Navratri next in line and then Diwali. Whew! that's a long list. So, stuff your face with mithai and such and if you still don’t suffer from party burnout, watch out for our anniversary issue next month. We promise you a new look and loads of excitement. So get out there, chill out, and be safe. Oh yeah…have fun and don’t forget to send us pictures.
Till then,
Adios Amigos.